Phase 1 of the Cold Fusion Implementation
The goal of Phase 1 was to create a
new search engine with
greater functionality and a better brief record display.
This was achieved by
- moving the data from the Excel spreadsheet into a highly
structured Access database,
- performing several checks on data integrity and
- creating Cold Fusion scripts to run a new search engine, and
to display the search results.
Changes Resulting from Phase 1
Before Phase 1
After Phase 1
Functionality of the Search Engine
Boolean combinations were not permitted between
different fields.
Enabled in Phase 1.
Limiting a search by founding date of societies could
not be done.
Enabled in Phase 1.
Input including diacritical marks or non-Latin characters
was not interpreted properly by the search engine.
Deferred to a later Phase.
Display of Brief Records
Brief records contained too little information and were poorly
Major improvement in Phase 1.
In a later Phase, some enhancements will be made (e.g. displaying
transliterated names and translated names differently from the
original society name)
Sort order (by date of entry into the system) was not
Major improvement in Phase 1: sort order is now almost
In a later Phase, some aberrations caused by the
existence of diacritical marks in society names will be corrected.
Management System
By Country and
By Language pages were already produced from the
but with the above-noted limitations in brief record display.
Major improvement in Phase 1:
the brief record display limitations for these pages were largely fixed in
Phase 1.
The text in all other areas was manually produced.
Producing other pages from the database is
deferred to a later Phase.