Last Updated: 2007, February 5

Scholarly Societies Project

Anatomy & Physiology

This is one of a set of subject pages in the

Scholarly Societies Project, which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources.

Links to websites of scholarly societies in Anatomy & Physiology (including endocrinology) are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of Anatomy & Physiology sites is 34.0/35 = 97.1%. The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site.

See also: the Cell Biology, Cytology & Histology, General Health & Medicine and General Biology & Environment categories.

URL Stability Rank
Society Name
four stars American Association of Anatomists AAA
four stars American Association of Clinical Anatomists AACA
four stars American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists AACE
four stars American Clinical Neurophysiology Society ACNS
four stars American Physiological Society APS
four stars American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring ASNM
four stars American Thyroid Association ATA
four stars Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland ASGBI
four stars Anatomische Gesellschaft = Anatomical Society [In German and English.] AG
four stars Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback AAPB
four stars Association for Chemoreception Sciences [Covers basic and clinical chemosensory research (research on taste and smell).] AChemS
four stars Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society APPS
four stars Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology = Société Canadienne de Physiologie de l'Exercise [In English and French.] CSEP = SCPE
four stars Cardiac Electrophysiology Society CardiacEPS
four stars Canadian Physiological Society = Société Canadienne de Physiologie CPS = SCP
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neuropathologie und Neuroanatomie = German Society for Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy [In German and English.] DGNN
four stars Endocrine Society ES
four stars Federación de Anatomía Patológica de la República Mexicana = Federation of Pathological Anatomy of the Mexican Republic [In Spanish.] FAPRM
four stars Human Anatomy and Physiology Society HAPS
four stars International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision ISCEV
four stars International Society of Endocrinology ISE
four stars International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology ISPNE
four stars International Union of Physiological Sciences IUPS
four stars 日本生理人類学会 = Nihon Seirijinrui Gakkai = Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology [In Japanese, with some English.] JSPA
four stars Nordisk Förening för Fysiologi = Scandinavian Physiological Society [In English.] NFF
four stars North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology NASPE
four stars Physiological Society PS
four stars Sociedad Latinoamericana de Tiroides = Latin American Thyroid Society [In Spanish and English.] SLAT = LATS
four stars Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citologia Diagnostica = Italian Society of Pathological Anatomy and Diagnostic Cytology [In Italian.] SIAPEC
one star
broken once
Société Anatomique de Paris = Anatomical Society of Paris [In French.] SAP
four stars Society for Endocrinology SE
four stars Society for Psychophysiological Research SPR
four stars Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa [In English.] SEMDSA
four stars Türkiye Klinik Nörofizyoloji EEG-EMG Derneği = Turkish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, EEG-EMG [In Turkish and English.]  
four stars 中国生理学会 = 中國生理學會 = Zhōngguó Shēnglǐ Xuéhuì = Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences [In Chinese.] CAPS

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Overview of the Scholarly Societies Project

Scholarly Societies Project

facilitating access to information about scholarly societies across the world since 1994
last modified: 2009, December 27

NEWS/EDITORIAL 2009, December 27
Fifteen Years of the Scholarly Societies Project

4157 Scholarly Societies, 3832 Websites
Search Engine
By Subject [83]
By Country
By Language
By Founding Dates
Inventory of the Oldest Scholarly Societies (1323-1849)

Special Kinds of Scholarly Societies
Academies and Royal Societies of Broad Scope [272]
International Unions [88]
Federations of Scholarly Societies [198]

Special Resources at Scholarly Society Websites
Meeting/Conference Announcement Lists
Standards [59]
Full-Text Serials

Scholarly Societies and Scholarly Communication [essays]
Meeting Sponsors and Publishers
Bibliographic Work
Interactions with Commercial Publishers
Crisis in Scholarly Publishing
Creating a Society Web Site
Bailey's Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

For a rough translation of this page, including all hyperlinks, into one of the above languages, copy the URL to the Altavista Babelfish Translator.

About the Scholarly Societies Project

Feedback to the Project
Guidelines for Inclusion of Resources
Scholarly Society Registration Form
Technical Problems Report
Sending Other Suggestions or Comments

Documentation on the Project
Linguistic Considerations
URL-Stability Index for the Project
The Editor
Project Timeline
Other Projects of Broad Scope Covering Scholarly Societies

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