Scholarly Societies Project


Resources Used in the Historical Data Section: Directories & Encyclopaedias
Resource Name
Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)
the major biographical dictionary for the German-speaking world up to 1900
Atti Accademici
information on scholarly and literary societies up to about 1900
Большая Советская Энциклопедия (2-е издание)
the major encyclopaedia for the Soviet Union (2nd ed. [1950]-1958)
Большая Советская Энциклопедия (3-е издание)
the major encyclopaedia for the Soviet Union (3rd ed. 1970-1978)
Chronologie [a chronology of French scholarly societies at Gallica]
Founding dates and names of French scholarly and literary societies
CTHS - Sociétés Savantes Database
information on French scholarly and literary societies
Dictionary of National Biography
many societies are mentioned
Dictionary of Scientific Biography
many societies are mentioned
Learned Societies
a survey of learned societies across the world in the Age of Enlightenment (Oxford University Press)
Saur World Guide Sci. Assoc. Learned Soc.
entries for associations and societies


Scholarly Societies Project