Hunterian Society

Founding of the Society
Year | Authority / Notes |
1819 |
According to its website, the Society was founded on 1819, February 11, at which time the name Hunterian Society was adopted. According to its website, the Society "was named to honour John Hunter, the Father of Scientific Surgery...." |
Seat of the Society
City | Authority / Notes |
London England |
Its website describes the Hunterian Society as the third general medical society to be formed in London (following the Medical Society of London , founded 1773, and the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London , founded 1805). |
Name of the Society
Dates | Name | Authority |
1819 - | Hunterian Society |
Its website gives this as its founding name in 1819. Its publications establish this name from 1868 to the present. |
Website of the Society
Journals of the Society
Years | Full Journal Title | Abbrev. |
1868 - 1896 A |
Abstracts of the Transactions of the Hunterian Society The record in the Oxford Univ. cat. gives the full title. The record in the Harvard Univ. cat. gives the years of publication. Continued by B. [Oxford Univ. cat.; Harvard Univ. cat.] |
1896/1897 - 1914; session 1936/1937 - (Vol.1 - ) B |
Transactions of the Hunterian Society The record in the Nat. Lib. Scotland cat. indicates that the first part of this run began with 78th session (1896-7). The record in the Univ. Toronto cat. indicates that the first part of this run ended with 1914. The record in the Nat. Lib. Scotland cat. indicates that the second part of this run began with Vol. 1 (session 1936-37). Continues A. [Nat. Lib. Scotland cat.; Univ. Toronto cat.] |
Trans. Hunter. Soc. Notes Rec. Roy. Soc., Vol. 23, No. 1 (Jun., 1968), p.116 cites 1964/1965. |