\ Resources of Scholarly Societies - General Engineering
Last Updated: 2007, November 22

Scholarly Societies Project

General Engineering

This is one of a set of subject pages in the

Scholarly Societies Project, which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources.

Links to websites of scholarly societies in General Engineering are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of General Engineering sites is 289.0/295 = 98.0%. The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site.

See also: the Material, Metal & Mineral Sciences category.

URL Stability Rank
Society Name
four stars Academia de Ingeniería = Academy of Engineering (Mexico) [In Spanish.] AI
four stars Academia Nacional de Ingeniería = National Academy of Engineering (Argentina) [In Spanish.] ANI
four stars Academia Nacional de Ingeniería del Uruguay = National Academy of Engineering of Uruguay [In Spanish.] ANIU
four stars Académie de Marine = Marine Academy [In French.]  
four stars Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering and Mathematics AWSEM
four stars نقابة المهندسين الزراعيين = Agricultural Engineering Association (Jordan) [In Arabic.]  
four stars Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ARI
four stars Air Conditioning Contractors of America ACCA
four stars Air Movement and Control Association International AMCA
one star Akademia Inżynierska w Polsce = Academy of Engineering in Poland [In Polish and English.] AIP = AEP
four stars Akademie Gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt = Academy of the Arts and Sciences Useful to the Public in Erfurt [In German.] AGWE
four stars Академия Технологических Наук Российской Федерации = Akademiâ Tehnologičeskih Nauk Rossijskoj Federacii = Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation [In Russian.] АТН РФ = ATSRF
four stars Akademija Tehničkih Znanosti Hrvatske = Academia Scientiarum Technicarum Croatica = Croatian Academy of Engineering [In Croatian and English.] HATZ
four stars American Association of Engineering Societies AAES
four stars American Consulting Engineers Council ACEC
four stars American Council of Independent Laboratories ACIL
four stars American Indian Science and Engineering Society AISES
four stars American Nuclear Society ANS
four stars American Society for Engineering Education ASEE
four stars American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASNT
four stars American Society for Precision Engineering ASPE
four stars American Society for Quality ASQ
four stars American Society of Agricultural Engineers ASAE
four stars American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ASHRAE
four stars American Society of Naval Engineers ASNE
four stars American Society of Safety Engineers ASSE
four stars American Solar Energy Society ASES
four stars American Wind Energy Association AWEA
four stars ԱՄԵՐԻԿԱՀԱՅ ՃԱՐՏԱՐԱԳԷՏՆԵՐՈԻ ԵԻ ԳԻՏՆԱԿԱՆՆԵՐՈԻ ԸՆԿԵՐԱԿՑՈԻԹԻԻՆ = Amerikaha Chartaragetneroi ei Gitnakanneroi Enkeraktzvitiin = Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America [In English. Includes Armenian engineers and scientists living across the world.] AESA
four stars Asociación Argentina de Inventores = Argentine Association of Inventors [In Spanish and English.] AAI
four stars Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros = Colombian Association of Engineers [In Spanish.] ACIEM
four stars Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros de Sistemas = Colombian Association of Systems Engineers [In Spanish.] ACIS
four stars Asociación de Ingenieros del Uruguay = Association of Engineers of Uruguay [In Spanish.] AIU
four stars Asociación Salvadoreña de Ingenieros y Arquitectos = Salvadorean Association of Engineers and Architects [In Spanish.] ASIA
four stars Asociaţia Generală a Inginerilor din România = General Association of Engineers in Romania [In Romanian.] AGIR
four stars Associação Industrial Portuguesa = Portuguese Industrial Association [In Portuguese. Concerned with technology and economics.] AIP
four stars Associação Nacional dos Inventores = National Association of Inventors (Brazil) [In Portuguese.] ANI
four stars Associação Portuguesa de Projectistas e Consultores = Portuguese Association of Engineering and Management Consultants [In Portuguese and English. "APPC is a non-profit Trade Association representing the Portuguese Autonomous Sector of Engineering, Architecture and Management Studies and Projects."] APPC
four stars Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade = Portuguese Association for Quality [In Portuguese.] APQ
four stars Association for Laboratory Automation ALA
four stars Association for Media-based Continuing Education for Engineers AMCEE
four stars Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International AACEI
four stars Association Française du Froid = French Association of Refrigeration [In French.] AFF
four stars Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine = Francophone Association for Man-Machine Interaction [In French.] AFIHM
four stars Association Luxembourgeoise des Ingénieurs = Association of Engineers, Luxembourg [In French.] ALI
four stars Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique = National Association of Technical Research [In French.] ANRT
four stars Association of Consulting Engineers Pakistan [In English.] ACEP
four stars Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia [In English.] ACEM
four stars Association of Energy Engineers AEE
four stars לשכת המהנדסים, האדריכלים והאקדמאים במקצועות הטכנולוגײם בישראל = Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel [In Hebrew.] AEAI
four stars Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta APEGGA
four stars Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia APENS
four stars Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago [In English.] APETT
four stars Association of Women Industrial Designers AWID
four stars Associazione Italiana per la Qualità = Associazione Italiana Cultura Qualità = Italian Association for Quality [In Italian.] AICQ
four stars Associazione Italiana Prove Non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica = Italian Society for Nondestructive Testing, Monitoring and Diagnostics [In English.] AIPnD
four stars Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering ATSE
four stars Australian Institute of Energy AIE
four stars Australian Institute of Risk Management ["The Institute fosters co-operation between disciplines and embraces diverse areas within business and operational risk management, including safety, health, security, fire engineering, quality control, insurance, finance and environmental hazards."] AIRM
four stars Australian Nuclear Association ANA
four stars جمعية المهندسين البحرينية = Bahrain Society of Engineers [In English, with some Arabic.] BSE
one star
broken once broken once broken once
Belgische Vereniging voor Microscopie = Société Belge de Microscopie = Belgian Society for Microscopy [In Dutch, French, and English.] BVM = SBM
four stars Biotechnology Industry Organization BIO
four stars バィォィンダスリー協会 = Bioindasutorii Kyōkai = Japan Bioindustry Association [In Japanese and English.] JBA
four stars BioIndustry Association [Encouraging and promoting the biotechnology sector of the UK economy.] BIA
four stars British Human-Computer Interaction Group ["The British Human-Computer Interaction Group was set up as a specialist group of the British Computer Society in 1984...."] BHCIG
four stars British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing BInstNDT
four stars Canadian Academy of Engineering = Académie canadienne du génie [In English and French.] CAE = ACG
four stars Canadian Council of Professional Engineers = Conseil Canadien des Ingénieurs [In English and French.] CCPE = CCI
four stars Canadian Institute for NDE = Canadian Institute for Nondestructive Evaluation CINDE
four stars Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering = Institut Canadien de Génie Maritime ["the science and practice of marine engineering, naval engineering, naval architecture, ocean engineering, marine electrics and electronics, control engineering and other associated professions." In English.] CIMarE = ICGM
four stars Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne CNS = SNC
four stars Canadian Society for Engineering Management = Société Canadienne de Gestion en Ingénierie [In English.] CSEM = SCGI
four stars Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering = Société Canadienne de Génie Rural [In English.] CSAE = SCGR
four stars Canadian Wind Energy Association = Association Canadienne d'Énergie Éolienne [In English.] CanWEA = ACÉÉ
four stars Centro Paraguayo de Ingenieros = Paraguayan Engineering Center [In Spanish. The Centro is the central professional society for Paraguayan engineers.] CPI
four stars Česká Společnost pro Jakost = Czech Society for Quality [In Czech and English.] CSJ = CSQ
four stars Český Svaz Vědeckotechnických Společností = Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies [In Czech and English.] CSVTS
four stars Chambre Belge des Inventeurs = Belgische Kamer van Uitvinders = Belgian Chamber of Inventors [In French, Dutch and English.] CBI = BKU
four stars Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers [Concerned with design, installation and maintenance of buildings services such as heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, lighting, security, fire-protection, lifts, information technology highways (within buildings), and sanitation.] CIBSE
four stars Civilingenjörsförbundet = Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers [In Swedish, with some English.] CF
four stars Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile = College of Engineers of Chile [In Spanish.] CI
four stars Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela = College of Engineers of Venezuela [In Spanish.] CIV
four stars Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú = College of Engineers of Peru [In Spanish.] CIP
four stars Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico = College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico [In Spanish.] CIAPR
four stars Colegio Dominicano de Ingenieros, Arquitectos y Agrimensores = Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors [In Spanish.] CODIA
four stars Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y de Arquitectos de Costa Rica = Federated College of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica [The College is a professional association concerned with encouraging the advancement of engineering and architecture.] [In Spanish.] CFIA
four stars Coŀlegi Oficial d'Enginyers Superiors d'Andorra = Official College of Higher Engineers of Andorra [In Catalan.] COESA
four stars Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering CASE
four stars لعمادة المهندسين التونسيين = Conseil de l'Ordre des Ingénieurs de Tunisie = Ordre des Ingénieurs Tunisiens = Tunisian Engineers' Order [In French, Arabic and English.] COI
four stars Conseil National des Ingénieurs et des Scientifiques de France = National Council of Engineers and Scientists of France [In French.] CNISF
four stars Cost Engineering Association of South Africa CEASA
four stars Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences CAETS
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie = German Society for Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology and Biotechnology [In German.] DECHEMA
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie = German Society for Electron Microscopy [In German.] DGE
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik = German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology [In German.] DGGMNT
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität = German Society for Quality [In German.] DGQ
four stars Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung = German Society for Non-Destructive Testing [In German and English.] DGZfP
four stars Driftingenjörsförbundet i Finland = Association of Swedish Speaking Engineers in Finland [In Swedish.] DIFF
four stars Eesti Kvaliteediühing = Estonian Association for Quality [In Estonian.] EAQ
four stars Engineering Council EC
four stars Engineering Institute of Canada = Institut Canadien des Ingénieurs EIC = ICI
four stars วิศวกรรมสถานแห่งประเทศไทย = Engineering Institute of Thailand [In Thai.] EIT
four stars Επιστημονικό Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Κύπρου = Epistimoniko Techniko Epimelitirio Kyprou = Scientific Technical Chamber of Cyprus [In Greek.] ETEK
four stars Ergonomics Society ES
four stars European Biomass Industry Association [In English.] EUBIA
four stars European Federation of Biotechnology = Fédération Européenne du Génie Biologique EFB = FEGB
four stars European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations EFCA
four stars European Higher Engineering and Technical Professionals Association = Europäischer Verband höherer Berufe des Ingenieurwesens und der Technik = Association Européenne des Professions Supérieures d'Ingenieurs et de la Technique [In English, German and French.] EurEta
four stars European Industrial Research Management Association EIRMA
four stars European Nuclear Society [In English.] ENS
four stars European Organization for Quality [In English.] EOQ
one star European Society for Engineering Education = Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs ESEE = SEFI
four stars Federação Brasileira de Associações de Engenheiros = Brazilian Federation of Engineering Associations [In Portuguese.] FEBRAE
four stars Федерация на Научно-Техническите Съюзи в България = Federaciâ na Naučno-Tehničeskite Sʹʹûzi v Bʹʹlgariâ = Federation of the Scientific and Technical Unions in Bulgaria [In Bulgarian and English.] ФНТС = FNTS
four stars Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych - Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna = Polish Federation of Engineering Associations [In Polish and English.] NOT
four stars Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs = European Federation of National Engineering Associations = Europäischer Verband nationaler Ingenieurverinigungen [In English and French.] FEANI
four stars Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils = International Federation of Consulting Engineers = Internationale Vereinigung Beratender Ingenieure [In English.] FIDIC
four stars
Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies FASTS
four stars Foresight Institute [A membership-based organization devoted to nanotechnology.] FI
four stars Geothermal Resources Council GRC
four stars Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada HRAI
four stars Human Factors and Ergonomics Society HFES
four stars ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology [CODATA is an interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of the International Council for Science (ICSU).] ICSU-CODATA
four stars Indian National Academy of Engineering [In English.] INAE
four stars Indian Society for Technical Education [In English.] ISTE
four stars Industrial Research Institute IRI
four stars Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark = Society of Danish Engineers [In Danish.] IDA
four stars Innovation Management Association of Canada IMAC
four stars Institute of Biological Engineering ["Biological engineering encompasses a broad field which includes the development and application of engineering science knowledge for the understanding of properties of biological materials and processes of life."] IBE
four stars Institute of Industrial Engineers IIE
four stars Institute of Industrial Engineers Australia IIEA
four stars Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology IMarEST
four stars Institute of Nanotechnology IoN
four stars Institute of Quality Assurance IQA
four stars Institute of Refrigeration IoR
four stars Institution of Engineering Designers IED
four stars Institution of Engineers Australia IEAust
four stars Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh [In English.] IEB
four stars Institution of Engineers (India) [In English.] IEI
four stars Institution of Engineers, Malaysia [In English.] IEM
four stars Institution of Engineers of Ireland IEI
four stars Institution of Engineers, Singapore [In English.] IES
four stars Institution of Engineers Tanzania [In English.] IET
four stars Institution of Plant Engineers IPlantE
four stars Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand IPENZ
four stars Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile = Institute of Chilean Engineers [In Spanish.] IIC
four stars Instituto de la Ingeniería de España = Institute of Engineering of Spain [In Spanish.] IIE
four stars International Association for Energy Economics IAEE
Four stars International Association for the Management of Technology IAMOT
four stars International Association of Financial Engineers IAFE
four stars International Association of Science and Technology for Development IASTED
four stars International Code Council [Concerned with building safety standards.] ICC
four stars International Commission of Agricultural Engineering = Commission Internationale du Génie Rural ICAE = CIGR
four stars International Committee for the History of Technology ["ICOHTEC was constituted as a Scientific Section within the Division of the History of Science of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS/DHS).... but it has always functioned as a fully autonomous body with its funding dependent on its membership."] ICOHTEC
four stars International Cost Engineering Council ["...promoting cooperation between national and multinational cost engineering, quantity surveying and project management organizations worldwide..."] ICEC
four stars International Council for Scientific and Technical Information = Conseil International pour l'Information scientifique et technique ICSTI = CIIST
four stars International Council of Museums ICOM
four stars International Council of Societies of Industrial Design ICSID
four stars International Council on Systems Engineering INCOSE
four stars International Ergonomics Association IEA
four stars International Federation for Systems Research IFSR
four stars International Federation of Inventors' Associations IFIA
one star
broken once
International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts IFNA
four stars International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [a research institute devoted to the policy aspects of environmental, economic, and technological processes of global change; it is administered by several scholarly societies ] IIASA
four stars International Institute of Refrigeration = Institut International du Froid [In English and French.] IIR = IIF
four stars International Network of Women in Technology WITI
four stars International Reprographic Association ["...serving predominately the large- and wide-format reproduction needs of architectural, engineering, manufacturing, retail, and advertising industries."] IRgA
four stars International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization ISSMO
four stars International Society for the System Sciences ISSS
one star
broken once broken once
International Society of Dynamic Games ISDG
four stars International Society of Logistics SOLE
four stars International Solar Energy Society ISES
four stars International Technology Education Association ITEA
four stars International Test and Evaluation Association [In English. "Its members include professionals from industry, government, and academia, who are involved in the development and application of policy and techniques used to assess the effectiveness, reliability, and safety of new and existing systems and products."] ITEA
four stars Jamaica Institution of Engineers [In English.] JIE
four stars نقابة المهندسين الاردنيين = Jordan Engineers Association [In Arabic and English.] JEA
four stars Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab = Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab = Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters [In Norwegian and English.] DKNVS
four stars Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs KIVI NIRIA = Royal Institution of Engineers in the Netherlands KIVI NIRIA [In Dutch and English.] KIVI NIRIA
four stars Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging = Royal Flemish Engineers Union [In Dutch.] KVIV
four stars 한국과학기술단체총연합회 = Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies [In Korean and English.] KOFST
four stars 대한산업공학회 = Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers [In Korean.] KIIE
four stars 한국비파괴검사학회 = Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing [In Korean and English.] KSNT
four stars 한국전자현미경학회 = Korean Society of Electron Microscopy [In Korean.] KSEM
four stars Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund = Royal Physiographic Society in Lund [In Swedish and English. Founded in 1772 with a focus on agriculture, its goals are now much broader, being "to encourage research in the natural sciences, medicine and technology..."]  
four stars Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien = Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences [In Swedish, with some English.] IVA
four stars جمعية المهندسين الكويتية = Kuwait Society of Engineers [In Arabic.] KSE
four stars Latvijas Kvalitātes Asociācija = Latvian Quality Association [In Latvian.] LKA
four stars Liên Hiệp Các Hội Khoa Học Và Kỹ Thuật Việt Nam = Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations [In Vietnamese.] VUSTA
four stars Magyar Biomassza Társaság = Hungarian Biomass Association [In Hungarian.] MBMT
four stars Magyar Fuzzy Társaság = Hungarian Fuzzy Association [In Hungarian, with some English.] MFT
four stars Magyar Mérnökakadémia = Hungarian Academy of Engineering [In Hungarian and English.] MMA = HAE
one star
broken once broken once broken once
Microscopical Society of Canada = Société de Microscopie du Canada [In English and French.] MSC = SMC
four stars Microscopy Society of America MSA
four stars Microscopy Society of Southern Africa MSSA
one star Molecular Manufacturing Shortcut Group [a subject-based chapter (to promote nanotechnology as a path to the creation of a spacefaring civilization) of the National Space Society] MMSG
four stars Mouvement Français pour la Qualité = French Movement for Quality [In French.] MFQ
four stars Müszaki és Természettudományi Egyesületek Szövetsége = Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies (Hungary) [In Hungarian, with some English.] MTESZ
four stars National Academy of Engineering [One of the national academies of the U.S.A.] NAE
four stars 한국공학한림원 = National Academy of Engineering of Korea [In Korean and English.] NAEK
four stars National Academy of Science and Technology [In English. The Philippines.] NAST
four stars National Coalition of Independent Scholars NCIS
four stars National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals NOGLSTP
four stars National Society of Black Engineers NSBE
four stars National Society of Professional Engineers NSPE
four stars Nederlands Forum voor Techniek en Wetenschap = Netherlands Society of Technological Sciences and Engineering ["...is the Academy of Engineering of the Netherlands." In Dutch and English.] NFTW = FTW
four stars Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microscopie = Dutch Society of Microscopy [In Dutch and English.] NVvM
four stars Newcomen Society ["For the study of The History of Engineering and Technology..."]  
four stars Nigerian Society of Engineers [In English.] NSE
four stars 日本エネルギー学会 = Nihon Energii Gakkai = Japan Institute of Energy [In Japanese and English.] JIE
four stars 日本工学アカデミー = Nihon Kōgaku Akademii = Engineering Academy of Japan [In Japanese and English.] EAJ
four stars 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会 = Nihon Marinenjiniaringu Gakkai = Japan Institution of Marine Engineering = Marine Engineering Society in Japan [In Japanese and English.] JIME = MESJ
four stars 日本工学会 = Nippon Kōgakukai = Japan Federation of Engineering Societies [In Japanese.] JFES
four stars Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi = Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences [In Norwegian and English.] NTVA
four stars Norsk Forening for Kvalitet og Lederskap = Norwegian Association of Quality and Leadership [In Norwegian.] NFKL
four stars Norske Sivilingeniørs Forening = Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers [In Norwegian, with some English, French, and German.] NIF
four stars Ordem dos Engenheiros = Society of Engineers [In Portuguese.] OE
four stars Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils = Order of Architects and Consulting Engineers (Luxembourg) [In French.] OAI
four stars Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein = Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects [In German.] ÖIAV
four stars Pakistan Engineering Council [In English.] PEC
four stars Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia = Institution of Engineers, Indonesia [In English and Indonesian.] PII = IEI
four stars Professional Engineers Ontario [Formerly: Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO).] PEO
four stars Quality Society of Australasia QSA
four stars Real Academia de Ingeniería = Academia de Ingeniería de España = Royal Academy of Engineering = Academy of Engineering of Spain [In Spanish.] RAI
four stars Российское Общество Сканирующей Зондовой Микроскопии и Нанотехнологии = Rossiiskoe Obshchestvo Skaniruyushchei Zondovoi Mikroskopii i Nanotekhnologii = Russian Society of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology [In Russian and English.] ROSZMN
four stars Royal Academy of Engineering RAE
four stars Royal Microscopical Society RMS
four stars Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology [In English.] RONAST
four stars Royal Scottish Society of Arts [Sometimes subtitled: (Science and Technology).] RSSA
four stars Safety Institute of Australia SIA
four stars الجمعية السعودية لتطوير ونقل التقنية = Saudi Society for Technology Development & Transfer [In Arabic and English.] SSTDT
four stars Savez Inženjera i Tehničara Jugoslavije = Union of Engineers and Technicians of Yugoslavia [In Serbian.] SITJ
four stars Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften = Académie Suisse des Sciences Techniques = Accademia Svizzera delle Scienze Techniche = Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences [In German, English and French.] SATW = ASST
four stars Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitätsförderung = Association Suisse pour la Promotion de la Qualité = Swiss Association for the Promotion of Quality [In German, with some French and Italian.] SAQ = ASPQ
four stars Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Optik und Elektronmikroskopie = Société Suisse d'Optique et de Microscopie Électronique = Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy [In English.] SGOEM = SSOME = SSOM
four stars Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein = Société Suisse des Ingénieurs et Architectes = Società Svizzera degli Ingegneri ed Architetti = Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects [In German and French.] SIA
four stars 制御情報学会 = Seigyo Jōhō Gakkai = Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers [In Japanese and English.] ISCIE
four stars 精密工学会 = Seimitsu Kōgakukai = Japan Society for Precision Engineering [In Japanese and English.] JSPE
four stars Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros = Colombian Society of Engineers [In Spanish.] SCI
four stars Sociedad de Ingenieros de Bolivia = Society of Engineers of Bolivia [In Spanish.] SIB
four stars Sociedad Española de Biotecnología = Spanish Society of Biotechnology [In Spanish.] SEBiot
four stars Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería = Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering [In Spanish.] SMBB
four stars Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología = Mexican Society for the History of Science and Technology [In Spanish.] SMHCT
four stars Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola = Brazilian Society of Agricultural Engineering [In Portuguese.] SBEA
four stars Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia Electrónica e Biologia Celular = Portuguese Society of Electron Microscopy and Cell Biology [In Portuguese.] SPME-BC
four stars Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale = Society for the Encouragement of National Industry [In French.] SEIN
one star Société Française de Photographie = French Society of Photography [In French.] SFP
four stars Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs et Industriels = Royal Belgian Society of Engineers and Manufacturers [In French.] SRBII
four stars Society for Applied Microbiology SfaM
four stars Society for Imaging Science & Technology SIST
four stars Society for Industrial Microbiology SIM
four stars Society for Philosophy and Technology SPT
four stars Society for Technical Communication STC
four stars Society for the History of Technology SHOT
four stars 대한설비공학회 = Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea [In Korean.] SAREK
four stars Society of Engineering Science SES
four stars Society of Engineers  
four stars 한국산업경영시스템학회 = Society of Korea Industrial and System Engineering [In Korean.] SKISE
four stars Society of Manufacturing Engineers SME
four stars Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists MAES
four stars Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMPTE
four stars Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers SNAME
four stars Society of Women Engineers SWE
four stars South African Academy of Engineering [In English.] SAAE
four stars South African Society for Professional Engineers [In English.] SPE
four stars Standards Engineering Society SES
four stars Σύνδεσμος Επιστημόνων Μηχανικών Κύπρου = Sundesmos Epistēmonōn Mēhanikōn Kuprou = Cyprus Professional Engineers Association [In Greek.] ΣΕΜ
four stars Svenska Bioenergiföreningen = Swedish Bioenergy Association [In Swedish.] SVEBIO
four stars Svenska Förbundet för Kvalitet = Swedish Association for Quality [In Swedish, with some English.] SFK
four stars มูลนิธิ บัณฑิตยสภา วิทยาศาสตร์ และ เทคโนโลยี แห่งประเทศไทย = Thai Academy of Science and Technology Foundation [In Thai and English.] TAST
four stars Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği = Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects [In Turkish.] TMMOB = UCTEA
four stars Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği = Turkish Society of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning & Sanitary Engineers [In Turkish.] TTMD
four stars Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers [In English.] UIPE
four stars UK Solar Energy Society = Solar Energy Society = UK Branch of International Solar Energy Society UK-SES = SES = UK-ISES
four stars Unión Argentina de Asociaciones de Ingenieros = Argentine Union of Engineering Associations [In Spanish.] UADI
four stars Unión Mexicana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros = Mexican Union of Engineering Associations [In Spanish.] UMAI
four stars Unión Panamericana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros = União Panamericana de Associações de Engenheiros = PanAmerican Federation of Engineering Societies [In Spanish, with some Portuguese and English.] UPADI
four stars Verein Deutscher Ingenieure = Union of German Engineers [In German and English.] VDI
four stars Verband Österreichischer Ingenieure = Union of Austrian Engineers [In German.] VÖI
four stars Verkfræðingafélag Íslands = Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland [In Icelandic and English.] VFI
four stars World Energy Council WEC
four stars World Energy Efficiency Association WEEA
four stars World Federation of Engineering Organisations = World Federation of Engineering Organizations WFEO
four star World Transhumanist Association ["Transhumanism is the philosophy which advocates the use of technology to overcome our biological limitations and transform the human condition. The accelerating pace of technological development opens up such revolutionary prospects as superhuman artificial intelligence and molecular nanotechnology."] WTA
four stars 香港工程師學會 = Xiāng Gǎng Gōngchéngshī Xuéhuì = Hong Kong Institution of Engineers [In English.] HKIE
four stars 香港科技協進會 = Xiāng Gǎng Kējì Xiéjìnhuì = Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology [In English.] HKAAST
four stars 中国工程图学学会 = Zhōngguó Gōngchéng Túxué Xuéhuì = China Engineering Graphics Society [In Chinese.] CEGS
four stars 中国工程院 = Zhōngguó Gōngchéng Yuàn = Chinese Academy of Engineering [In English and Chinese.] CAE
four stars 中國工程師學會 = Zhōngguó Gōngchéngshī Xuéhuì = Chinese Institute of Engineers [Located in Taiwan. In Chinese and English.] CIE
four stars 中国核学会 = Zhōngguó Hé Xuéhuì = Chinese Nuclear Society [In Chinese.] CNS
four stars 中国科学技术情报学会 = Zhōngguó Kēxué Jìshù Qíngbào Xuéhuì = China Society For Scientific And Technical Information [In Chinese and English.] CSSTI
four stars 中国可再生能源产业协会 = Zhōngguó Kězaìshēng Néngyuán Chǎnyè Xiéhuì = Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association [In Chinese and English.] CREIA
four stars 中国造船工程学会 = Zhōngguó Zàochuángōngchéng Xuéhuì = Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers [In Chinese and English.] CSNAME
four stars 中国制冷学会 = Zhōngguó Zhìlěng Xuéhuì = Chinese Association of Refrigeration [In Chinese and English.] CAR
four stars Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers [In English.] ZIE
four stars Zväz Slovenských Vedeckotechnických Spoločností = Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies [In Slovak and English.] ZSVTS

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