Last Updated: 2008, April 9

Scholarly Societies Project


This is one of a set of subject pages in the

Scholarly Societies Project, which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources.

Links to websites of scholarly societies in Education are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of Education sites is 142.0/154 = 92.2%. The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site.

URL Stability Rank
Society Name
four stars AACSB International - The Association To Advance Collegiate Schools of Business AACSB
four stars Academia Nacional de Educación = National Academy of Education (Argentina) [In Spanish and English.] ANE
four stars American Association for Higher Education AAHE
four stars American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education AACTE
four stars American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine AACOM
four stars American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy AACP
one star
broken once
American Association of Philosophy Teachers AAPT
four stars American Association of Physics Teachers AAPT
four stars American Association of Teachers of French AATF
four stars American Association of Teachers of German ["the language, literature, and culture of the German-speaking countries."] AATG
four stars American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages AATSEEL
four stars American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese AATSP
four stars American Association of University Professors AAUP
four stars American Association on Mental Retardation AAMR
four stars American Classical League ACL
four stars American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages ACTFL
four stars American Education Finance Association [The name is occasionally seen as American Educational Finance Association.] AEFA
four stars American Educational Research Association AERA
four stars American Evaluation Association AEA
four stars American Music Conference [In spite of its name, this is a society website, not simply a website about a conference. It is devoted to "...the promotion of music, music making and music education...."] AMC
four stars American Orff-Schulwerk Association [" and movement educators...."] AOSA
four stars American Sign Language Teachers Association ASLTA
four stars American Society for Engineering Education ASEE
four stars American Society for Training and Development ["...the field of workplace learning and performance..."] ASTD
four stars Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar [An Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English.] ATEG
four stars Associação Brasileira de Associações de Professores de Alemão = Brasilianischer Deutschlehrerverband = Brazilian Association of Associations of Professors of German [In Portuguese, with some German.] ABRAPA
four stars Associação Brasileira de Ensino Odontológico = Brazilian Association for Odontological Education [In Portuguese.] ABENO
four stars Associação de Professores de Geografia = Association of Geography Professors [In Portuguese. Based in Portugal.] APG
four stars Association Canadienne d'Éducation de Langue Française = Canadian Association for Education in the French Language [In French.] ACELF
four stars Association des Professeurs de Biologie = Association of Biology Teachers (Belgium) [In French, with some Dutch and English.] PROBIO
four stars Association des Professeurs de Biologie et Géologie = Association of Biology and Geology Professors [In French. Based in France.] APBG
four stars Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques de l' Enseignement Public = Association of Professors of Mathematics in Public Education [In French.] APMEP
four stars Association for Canadian Studies = Association d'études canadiennes [In English and French.] ACS = AÉC
four stars Association for Educational Communications and Technology AECT
four stars Association for Experiential Education AEE
four stars Association for Library and Information Science Education ALISE
four stars Association for Media-based Continuing Education for Engineers AMCEE
four stars Association for Science Education ASE
ofour stars Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development ASCD
four stars Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACE
four stars Association for the Study of Medical Education ASME
four stars Association Française des Professeurs de Chinois = French Association of Professors of Chinese [In French.] AFPC
four stars Association of American Law Schools AALS
four stars Association of American Medical Colleges AAMC
four stars Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges AAVMC
four stars Association of British Language Schools ABLS
four stars Association of College and University Biology Educators ACUBE
four stars Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture ACSA
four stars Association of Educators in Radiological Sciences AERS
four stars Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors AEESP
four stars Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics APGO
four stars Association of Teacher Educators ATE
four stars Association of Teachers of Technical Writing [" encourage dialogue among teachers of technical communication and to develop technical communication as a discipline."] ATTW
four stars Association of University Professors of Neurology AUPN
four stars Association of University Teachers AUT
four stars Association Québécoise de Pédagogie Collégiale = Quebec Association of College Teaching [In French.] AQPC
four stars Associazione per l'Insegnamento della Fisica = Association for the Teaching of Physics [In Italian, with some English, Portuguese, French, and German.] AIF
four stars Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education ASCILITE
four stars Australian National Council of Orff Schulwerk ["music and movement education"] ANCOS
four stars British Association for Information and Library Education and Research BAILER
four stars British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics BSRLM
four stars Broadcast Education Association BEA
four stars Canadian Association for Distance Education = Association Canadienne de l'Éducation à Distance [In English and French.] CADE = ACÉD
four stars Canadian Association of Law Teachers = Association Canadienne des Professeurs de Droit [In English and French.] CALT = ACPD
four stars Canadian Association of University Teachers = Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d'université CAUT = ACPPU
four stars Canadian Association of University Teachers of German = Association des Professeurs d'Allemand des Universités Canadiennes CAUTG = APAUC
four stars Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education = Conseil Canadien pour l'Avancement de l'Éducation [In English and French.] CCAE
four stars Canadian Education Association (CEA) = Association Canadienne d'Éducation (ACE) [In English and French.] CEA = ACE
four stars Canadian Society for the Study of Education = Société Canadienne pour l'Étude de l'Éducation [In English and French. A federation of several Canadian societies concerned with education.] CSSE = SCÉÉ
four stars Canadian University Music Society = Société de Musique des Universités Canadiennes [In English and French.] CUMS = SMUC
four stars Carl Orff Canada ["an exciting and invigorating approach to music education." "The Orff philosophy combines the elements of speech, rhythm, movement, dance, and song."] COC
one star
broken once
Coalition for Education in the Life Sciences CELS
four stars Cognitive Technology Society [Concerns the impact on human cognition of developments in information technology.] CTS
four stars College Art Association CAA
four stars College Music Society CMS
four stars College of Teachers CT
four stars Comparative and International Education Society CIES
four stars Conference of University Teachers of German in Great Britain and Ireland [A scholarly society concerned with the teaching of German language and literature, and of Germanic studies in general.] CUTG
four stars Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa = Mexican Council for Educational Research [In Spanish. The Council is a membership-based society.] COMIE
four stars 大学英語教育学会 = Daigaku Eigo Kyōiku Gakkai = Japan Association of College English Teachers [In Japanese and English.] JACET
four stars Deutscher Verein zur Förderung des Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts = German Association for the Advancement of Mathematics and Science Teaching [In German.] Förderverein MNU
four stars European Association for Astronomy Education EAAE
four stars European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering [In English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, Polish, Czech and Esperanto.] EAEEIE
four stars European Association For International Education EAIE
four stars European Association of Distance Teaching Universities EADTU
one star European Society for Engineering Education = Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs ESEE = SEFI
four stars Gender and Education Association GEA
four stars Geographical Association [An association of geography teachers in the UK.] GA
four stars
Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria [Based in Australia.] GTAV
one star
broken once
Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik = Society for Mathematical Didactics [In German and English.] GDM
four stars Global Distance Learning Association GDLA
four stars History of Education Society (United Kingdom)  
four stars Indian Society for Technical Education [In English.] ISTE
one star
broken once
International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society AIED
four stars International Association for Computer Information Systems ["to promote the growth and development of knowledge and understanding of computer automation, including information systems, management sciences, computer science and applied education technology."] IACIS
four stars International Association for Language Learning Technology = International Association for Learning Laboratories IALLT = IALL
one star
broken once broken once broken once
International Association for Statistical Education = International Association for Statistics Education IASE
four stars International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists ["law enforcement professionals dedicated to education in the field of forensic computer science."] IACIS
four stars International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language IATEFL
one star
broken once
International Association of Universities = Association internationale des Universités [In English and French.] IAU = AIU
four stars International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education = Conseil International pour L'Education Physique et la Science du Sport [In English and French.] ICSSPE = CIEPSS
four stars International Listening Association [" promote the study, development, and teaching of effective listening in all settings."] ILA
four stars International Reading Association IRA
one star
broken once
International Social Science Council = Conseil International des Sciences Sociales = Consejo Internacional de Ciencias Sociales = Internationaler Rat für Sozialwissenschaften [In English. A site maintained for the ISSC by UNESCO.] ISSC = CISS
four stars International Society for Cultural and Activity Research ISCAR
four stars International Society for Music Education ISME
four stars International Society for Technology in Education ISTE
four stars International Society of Educators in Physiotherapy ISEP
four stars International Society of the Learning Sciences ISLS
four stars International Society on Infant Studies ISIS
four stars International Studies Association ISA
four stars International Technology Education Association ITEA
four stars Jean Piaget Society: Society for the Study of Knowledge and Development JPS
four stars Joint Association of Classical Teachers JACT
four stars Mathematical Association [Concerned with mathematics in education.] MA
one star
broken once
Mathematical Association of Victoria MAV
four star الجمعية المغربية لأساتذة اللغة الإنجليزية = Moroccan Association of Teachers of English [In English.] MATE
four stars Music Educators National Conference [In spite of its name, this is a society website, not simply a website about a conference.] MENC
four stars National Art Education Association NAEA
four stars National Association for Bilingual Education [" address the educational needs of language-minority students in the U.S...."] NABE
four stars National Association for College Admission Counseling NACAC
four stars National Association for Developmental Education NADE
four stars National Association for Research in Science Teaching NARST
one star
broken once broken once broken once
Society of Health and Physical Educators SHAPE America
four stars National Association of Agricultural Educators NAAE
four stars National Association of Biology Teachers NABT
four stars National Association of Self-Instructional Language Programs ["...North America's only professional organization specifically established for the fostering of self-managed academic programs in the less-commonly taught languages (LCTLs)."] NASILP
four stars National Council for the Social Studies NCSS
four stars National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages [Also known as The Council.] NCOLCTL
four stars National Council of Teachers of English NCTE
four stars National Council of Teachers of Mathematics NCTM
four stars National Earth Science Teachers Association NESTA
four stars National Education Association NEA
four stars National Science Teachers Association NSTA
four stars New England Association of Chemistry Teachers NEACT
four stars New Zealand Association for the Teaching of English = Te Pouhere Whakaako o Te Reo Pakeha o Aotearoa NZATE
four stars New Zealand Society for Music Education NZSME
four stars Ontario Classical Association OCA
four stars Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia PESA
four stars Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce [The Society is concerned with issues in business, design, the environment, education and the arts (including architecture).] RSA
four stars Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States SIECUS
one star Social Science Computing Association SSCA
four stars Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Comparada = Brazilian Society of Comparative Education [In Portuguese.] SBEC
four stars Société Belge des Professeurs de Mathématique d'expression française = Belgian Society of french speaking Mathematics Teachers [In French and English.] SBPMef
four stars Society for Academic Emergency Medicine ["SAEM was formed in 1988 from the amalgamation of the University Association for Emergency Medicine (UAEM) and the Society of Teachers of Emergency Medicine (STEM); academic societies which for over twenty years, helped shape the specialty of emergency medicine."] SAEM
four stars Society for College and University Planning SCUP
one star
broken once
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education SITE
four stars Society for Research into Higher Education SRHE
four stars Society of University Surgeons SUS
four stars Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL
four stars TESL Canada Federation = Fédération TESL du Canada [TESL = Teaching English as a Second Language.]  
four stars United States Distance Learning Association USDLA
four stars 全国語学教育学会 = Zenkoku Gogaku Kyōiku Gakkai = Japan Association for Language Teaching [In English and Japanese.] JALT

Alternative Access to Scholarly Societies for Education:

  • Education -- Organizations [A collection of links from Yahoo! to educational organizations, including scholarly societies. See especially the category entitled "Professional".]

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